Be Christmas Jumper Day Ready

Posted by john smith on

Christmas Jumper Day is Friday 10th December.

Yes, that might seem a long way in the future - over two weeks. But for small retailers like ourselves we need to be ready.

We do not hold warehouses of stock. We can not afford to.

To enable us to offer a wide variety of designs, colours and sizes we self print.

This means that when you make an order, we need to get in the right sizes and colour and then print and dispatch. This is why it usually takes us around 10 days to dispatch clothing.

This allows us to offer a wide range of sizes (up to 7XL) that usual retailers do not and keep the price ultra low for you all.

If we kept stock, we would have to factor in "unsold items" into the cost of our jumpers. This would see price rises as sales would need to cover however many jumpers we think will be left over once the populatiry of the product drops.

So what retailers like ourselves ask is BUY EARLY.

If you are thinking of getting one of our Christmas jumpers ahead of December 10th, BUY TODAY.


You can not expect to buy from a small business like ourselves at 9pm on 6th December and expect your item to be with you on the 9th.

Between us involved with Kick Off Merchants, we have more than 20 years combined experience running football merchandise companies and our biggest bugbear is people ordering 2 days before a birthday and then emailing us demanding why their item has not yet turned up.

Taking into account their is a UK haulage issue affecting both us and our suppliers, as well as a drop in service levels from Royal Mail, everything is taking a few days longer than normal.

So please, buy that Christmas jumper today. Do not wait until a few days before you need it and then complain that it does not reach you in time.

And this advice is not just for Christmas jumper day, buit for Christmas.

All small retailers are struggling with dispatch time right now. Help them out. Help us out. Buy early. Do not leave it until the last minute.

We will have some Black Friday deals up later this evening on our popular football beer mats. Check the site out at 7pm tonight.